Sunday, December 10, 2006

Secondary marketing links

Secondary - Marketing Research.

Secondary marketing research, or desk research, already exist in one form or another. It is relatively cheap, and can be conducted quite quickly .However, it tends to have been collected for reasons other than for the problem or objective at hand. So it may be untargeted, and difficult to use to make comparisons (e.g. financial data gather on Australian pensions will be different to data on Italian pensions). There are a number of such sources available to the marketer, and the following list is by no means conclusive:

  • Trade associations
  • National and local press Industry magazines
  • National/international governments
  • Websites
  • Informal contacts
  • Trade directories
  • Published company accounts
  • Business libraries
  • Professional institutes and organisations
  • Omnibus surveys
  • Previously gathered marketing research
  • Census data
  • Public records

We have given a general introduction to marketing research. Marketing research is a huge topic area and has many processes, procedures, and MBSD terminologies that build upon the points above. (See also lesson on Secondary market, primary marketing research and secondary marketing research)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

New secondary marketing info on the MBSD website

MBSD Secondary marketing

Smaller clients can outsource all of their Secondary Marketing needs to full service Secondary Marketing operation to ensure a maximum return on a reduced investment. Either way, MBSD can help you establish relationships with the correct investors for your business model that might not otherwise available.
MBSD’s Secondary Marketing services include:
  • Custom Rate Sheet Generation and Pricing Models – MBSD can help you create and customize rate sheets based on the loan products you offer.

  • Transition to Bulk Loan Sales – MBSD can help you make the transition from whole loan trading to bulk loan sales, mandatory delivery and forward commitments.

  • Secondary Marketing Policies and Procedures – MBSD can create custom procedures tailored to your way of doing business.

  • Fully Functional Lock Desk – Outsource your entire secondary operation to our highly trained staff.

  • Complete Array of Pipeline Reporting – MBSD can help you develop the necessary reports to properly track and manage your business. Those clients using our fully functional lock desk will receive these reports on a regular basis.

  • Staffing and Training Assistance – MBSD can help you hire and train the necessary staff if you want to handle your secondary marketing efforts internally.

  • Systems Automation and Technology – MBSD can help you automate your secondary marketing functions and recommend the necessary technology pieces to help in that effort.
Secondary Marketing Services: MBSD’s Secondary Marketing Services can range depending on a client’s size, needs and business model. Larger clients can rely on MBSD’s consulting expertise in helping them resolve the issues that are facing their existing secondary marketing operations, and take advantage of the relationships that MBSD and its staff have built over the years to ensure they are selling their loans to the best possible investors.